Fun filled days spent outdoors and evenings spent sitting on verandas, balconies or in front of campsites are definitely a great way to spend your time, but with it comes the unfortunate possibility of insect bites. As much as we stock up on repellers there is always the risk of a determined creepy crawly sneaking through, and essential oils can be a really effective, natural treatment when you get bitten. They can offer relief and help to heal. Lavender and Tea tree oils are both favourites for helping to heal most insect bites. They can be used straight on the affected area and help to reduce itching, pain and swelling on any bite from ants and spiders to bees and mozzies. Their antiseptic and antibacterial properties will also help to prevent infection. Lavender can also double as a repellent so you could even pop a bit on your pulse points before you head outside. If you aren’t keen on the scent of these two there are other options. Diluted in a carrier oil, Basil has been shown to reduce itchiness and be an effective anti-inflammatory, and Camphor oil is another option for relieving itchy, inflamed bites that has been trusted since ancient times. Chamomile is also well known for helping to sooth and heal inflammation and irritation.

Either alone or blended together, any of these oils would make a great addition to the first aid kit. Alternatively combine the essential oil with some witch hazel or aloe vera gel for a soothing treatment, or add a few drops to a cold compress using cold water and vinegar.

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Our store is well stocked with a selection of quality essential oils, base products, carrier oils and raw ingredients. Plus, it smells amazing!

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6/138 Radium St Welshpool Western Australia 6106Australia


9am – 3:30pm

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8am – 4:30pm